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Commonwealth Parliamentary Association

Scoping fundraising opportunities to help develop democracy across the world.

About the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association

The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) exists to connect, develop, promote and support Parliamentarians and their staff to identify benchmarks of good governance, and implement the enduring values of the Commonwealth.  

It collaborates with Parliaments and other organisations, including the intergovernmental community, to achieve its purpose. The CPA brings Parliamentarians and parliamentary staff together to exchange ideas among themselves and with experts in various fields, to identify good practices and new policy options which they can adopt or adapt in the governance of their societies.

What we did for them

The CPA contacted us to help scope out the opportunities for fundraising from various income streams to support its important work in promoting and strengthening parliamentary democracy across the nations of the commonwealth and beyond.

With no internal fundraising resource and concern about the risks to the image and reputation of the Association from this new approach – in particular with ensuring independence and avoiding any suspicion of donations leading to undue influence on members – the CPA required a thorough feasibility assessment to help them understand the opportunities and issues and make sound judgements on future investment in fundraising.

“Income diversification is an important area being considered by the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association and the International Fundraising Consultancy produced an extremely useful report for consideration by our Executive Committee. Despite producing the report within a strict and tight time frame, the report was both thorough and well presented and is proving an extremely useful tool when considering our next steps. We would like to thank Bill King and the IFCo for their professionalism and expertise.”
Paul Townley Finance Director | Commonwealth Parliamentary Association