Lightbulb image alluding to fundraising strategy

Fundraising services

Fundraising strategy and management

Whatever kind of fundraising you want to do, we can help. Our consultants bring a wide range of experience and can help with any need. We work with you to develop strategies that work, based on your situation, skills and resources. Our simple strategic fundraising model ensures that the approach we recommend is appropriate and deliverable.

Institution icon alluding to capital appeals

Capital appeals

Capital Appeals are one of our key specialist skills and our consultants have worked on successful projects for many organisations, including schools, colleges, hospitals and more. From the initial feasibility study, to mentoring and supporting your staff and volunteers, or taking a hands-on role to co-ordinate the fundraising, we can help you raise the funds you need for your capital project.
Tick boxes alluding to interim management

Interim management

Whether you need additional expertise to run a time‑limited campaign, or to fill a temporary gap in your fundraising department, we can help. Our portfolio of experienced fundraisers can slot in for short, medium and even long term engagements. Our consultants have all worked on the front line. They know from experience the challenges you face every day of the year, and have the skills and experience to hit the ground running.
Battery recharged icon alluding to new and improved income streams

New and improved income streams

Whatever kind of fundraising you want to do, we can help. We can offer strategic advice and guidance, hands-on expertise, bespoke research and ongoing mentoring and support, to ensure that whatever approach you take, you will have the best possibility of success. Our network of consultants includes experts in a huge range of fundraising disciplines who can help you improve performance in established fields and break into new ones.
A hand catching coins alluding to major donors

Major donors

The wealth of the richest in society is increasing rapidly, and many are generous supporters of charitable causes close to their hearts. We can help you develop a strategy, create a robust Case for Support and help you identify and approach new donors. A strong major donor programme could transform your organisation and our consultants can help you attract and retain their support.
Magnifying glass hovering over a ticked checkbox to allude to grand research and bid writing

Grant research and bid writing

Through researching opportunities and working with you to develop powerful applications, we can help you find and secure new grant funders. Our consultants can support you by training your internal team and through reviewing proposals before they are sent, or we can deliver a complete grant maker fundraising programme. Either approach will help ensure that you maximise your returns from this source.
Two people shaking hands to allude to corporate fundraising

Corporate fundraising

Successful corporate fundraising requires expert knowledge and a commitment to relationship‑building. We’ve led corporate fundraising campaigns for years and know exactly how to make them work. Whether you have an established programme and need support to help find and win new corporate supporters, or need our support to set up a corporate programme, we can help.
An icon of a will or probate certificate alluding to legacies


Legacy fundraising can be the single most effective ways of raising money for charities. It can also be the most challenging, particularly for those who haven't done it before. Successful legacy fundraising requires care and sensitivity and an understanding of why  donors support you. We can help you answer that question and develop a legacy programme which responds to your donors needs.
Coins being dropped into a collection box to allude to individual donors

Individual donors

From membership schemes to regular donors or opportunities to secure on-off support at events or venues, our consultants can help you develop and deliver fundraising approaches which appeal to individuals. Our specialist consultants can help you understand your existing donors so you can communicate with them better, and reach out to new ones providing a strong and reliable income stream for your organisation.
A pencil alluding to marketing and communications

Marketing and communications

Charities need to communicate constantly: with donors, supporters, public bodies and staff. Getting your message across clearly and consistently is vital to gaining the support you need to thrive.

We can take over your fundraising marketing for you, so you can focus on delivering services. Or, we can train your staff and advise you on strategy so you can do it yourself.

We can help you understand your audience, through focus groups, surveys and analysing your data to identify what messages will best resonate with them. From copywriting and design, to social media engagement, we have decades of experience in charity marketing. We understand the challenges charities face and the opportunities available to them.

Heart with a tick alluding to charity governance

Charity governance

Good governance is essential for any not for profit organisation. It means that you can comply with your legal obligations and support the structures needed for current and future achievement. From data protection and privacy to HR and ethical fundraising, the basis of good charity governance is thoughtful policy-making and expert practice.

We can work with your board members to build their governance capability. Our consultants know what it takes to do this: they have many years’ experience as board members and trustees of charities both large and small.

Speech bubbles alluding to training and mentoring

Training and mentoring

The importance of  developing the skills of your staff cannot be overstated. It boosts their effectiveness, increases retention and gives you a reputation as an organisation which invests in their team, helping recruitment in the future. Meanwhile, for smaller charities, recruiting those with the skills they need may not be an option, with fundraising necessarily falling to other staff and volunteers who may not be specialists. Our consultants are experts in all areas of fundraising and can provide  training in any aspect. We can work with your team to deliver a fixed  programme covering agreed areas, or provide ongoing mentoring support to help them grow and develop. Whatever your training and mentoring needs, we can help.