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Support through Court

Developing a new strategy to meet the needs of a rapidly growing organisation.

About the Support through Court

Every year, thousands of people in the UK face court alone. Without help, they have to represent themselves while they go through a divorce, seek custody of their children, or face eviction from their home. They are forced to navigate a complex legal system alone, often against the professional legal representation of the other party.

Support through Court is dedicated to providing free, independent assistance to people facing proceedings without legal representation. It has over 750 volunteers across England and Wales, to ensure that those facing court alone feel prepared and supported in accessing justice.

What we did for them

Having gone through a rebranding process, Support through Court were revising their long-term organisational strategy and seeking to develop a fundraising strategy to support it, which included a significant increase in income.

We worked closely with the existing fundraising team to understand the opportunities and limitations they faced. We looked at the areas where growth was possible, and advised on approaches to develop their fundraising, particularly from individuals and law firms. We also made recommendations for retaining and developing their fundraising team.

Once the new strategy was approved and adopted, we have again worked with Support through Court to help them develop a Legacy programme, especially for their long-term supporters and dedicated volunteers.

| Support through Court