
Sven Fäh

German speaking

For almost two decades, Sven Fäh has worked in the fundraising arena. Originally a tourism expert, Sven started his fundraising career at a US-based children’s charity in Zurich, before establishing himself in the Swiss-German fundraising market with Save the Children Alliance. He then focused on remodelling and building up administration and fundraising departments in various Swiss charities, before becoming an independent fundraising consultant in 2016. His field of expertise is strategic fundraising consultancy, implementing new fundraising instruments & innovative and traditional approaches in order to raise funds for charities. In addition to this, Sven also has expertise in evaluating & implementing new databases and CRM-solutions for organisations.

Besides running his own consultancy, Sven started-up a social-enterprise Charôtel – Do good while you sleep – a little pop-up second-hand shop in the Altstadt of Berne. Sven has three children and loves to play badminton, run & binge-watch TV series.


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