Christina Cullen


Christina began her media and public relations career within the charity sector over 20 years ago. She learnt her trade at Amnesty International, Prisoners Abroad, and then finally children’s charity Plan International, before embarking on a freelance media and communication career.

This freelance media career has seen Christina fulfilling long-term contracts with organisations such as the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and the Rainforest Alliance.

Whilst undertaking these long-term contracts, Christina has also worked on fixed-term contracts. This has included spending a year managing the media around the closure of the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund, and managing international media relations for the Queen’s Young Leaders programme twice a year for four years, which culminates each summer with an awards ceremony at Buckingham Palace with Her Majesty The Queen.

Media Management
Christina specialises in developing and delivering media strategies. This includes writing press releases and supporting media materials, managing social media – including implementing campaigns via Twitter, selling-in stories to journalists, organising media interviews and delivering training on how to handle the media. With an extensive national and international contacts list, she regularly places stories in media outlets including BBC Radio Four’s Woman’s Hour, The Guardian, Huffington Post and many more.

Christina has extensive experience in organising and taking journalists, film crews and photographers on media trips to Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America as part of global media campaigns.

Event Management
Christina has extensive event management experience including fundraising events, campaign launches and media events. Career highlights include managing a press conference with Archbishop Desmond Tutu at the UN Headquarters in New York, and managing the media on a press conference in Paris with George Clooney.

Editorial Experience
Christina has written and ghost-written many articles for the organisations she has worked with, including opinion pieces and feature articles. She also writes regular articles for clients’ blogs and manages their social media accounts. Christina has also contributed to the renowned travel guide The Travellers Handbook.