Welcome our first 2020 clients!

May 19, 2022
John Baguley

We are delighted to welcome into the IFCo family of charity clients Genexis, Support Court, Romanian Challenge and The British Council.


Genexis is a fascinating organisation that runs a series of talks by world leading scientists and academics presenting simple evidence for a creator. Genexis gives an evidence-based case for a creator God; a challenge to atheism based on scientific, philosophical and historical grounds.

You can learn more at www.genexis.org and listen to the speakers they feature.  

IFCo is helping Genexis to research funders and apply for funds.


Support Through Court

Support Through Court is a UK legal charity that supports people who have to represent themselves in court. The aim is to "reduce the disadvantage of people facing the civil and family justice system without a lawyer, enabling them to access justice" and believe that "no one should face court alone". See https://www.supportthroughcourt.org/

IFCo is helping Support Through Court to develop their overall fundraising strategy.

Upcoming Events

Romanian Challenge

Anneka Rice: "It is hard to believe it was in 1990 that we first went out to Siret and discovered such a shocking level of abuse, neglect and despair among 700 + abandoned children. The emotional and physical journey that many of these children have been on since 1990 is extraordinary. It is a tribute to the Romanian Challenge Appeal that so many are now leading fulfilling lives. It is also a tribute to the generosity of the hundreds of volunteers who have moved the Challenge forward. However, the work must not stop here. There are many more who still need RCA's expertise and support and I think the RCA needs to continue making the impossible possible."

O Noua Viata
We set up a Romanian charity called O Noua Viata (A New Life) and now work closely with local government and the Romanian Child Protection Department. We are training local Romanians to run ONV and are organising funding from within Romania so that one day the charity will run independently of international aid.

Learn more and how you can help at http://www.romanian-challenge.org/pages/

IFCo is helping Romanian Challenge by researching the market for fundraising in Romania, sources of funds and approaches.

Concert in Suceava

On the 27th of July last year RCA's charity organisation within Romania (O Noua Viata) was delighted to stage a fundraising concert in the St Ioan Nepomuk church in Suceava starring the Romanian - British soprano Simona Mihai.

The British Council

This amazing organisation runs under a Royal Charter and aims:

To advance, for the public benefit, any purpose which is exclusively charitable and which shall:

(a) promote cultural relationships and the understanding of different cultures between people and peoples of the United Kingdom and other countries;
(b) promote a wider knowledge of the United Kingdom;
(c) develop a wider knowledge of the English language;
(d) encourage cultural, scientific, technological and other educational cooperation between the United Kingdom and other countries; or
(e) otherwise promote the advancement of education.

If you would like further information and to see how you could help or benefit check their website at https://www.britishcouncil.org/

IFCo is helping the British Council by conducting an extensive research project into grant providers.


The International Fundraising Consultancy (IFCo) is a voluntary sector fundraising consultancy with a passion for securing change on a local, national and global scale. Our focus is on charity fundraising and we work with charities and NGOs to improve their performance, so they can make a bigger difference.

Can we help you too? Please visit our website for more information.