New Year New Campaigns

January 4, 2024
Christina Cullen

January is the perfect time for charities to start a new fundraising campaign. And with many people making new year resolutions to get fit, now is the perfect time to start a physical challenge fundraising campaign.

Latest campaigns

Here are three charities kicking off the New Year with a fundraising campaign that will get people moving whilst raising money:


Charity: Mind

Campaign: Move for Mind this January!

Aim: 31 minutes of activity each day for 31 days. Move for Mind is a virtual fundraising challenge to get participants active while raising money in the fight for better mental health.

What’s init for participants:

·     Free registration

·     Free Move for Mindt-shirt

·     Facebook community group

·     Resource pack

·     Half-way and full-way medals


Charity: Great Ormond Street Hospital

Campaign: JanuRun

Aim: Run, walk or wheel 31 miles throughout January –when, where and how you like and make a difference to the lives of seriously ill children.

What’s init for participants:

·     Free registration

·     Personalised fundraising page


Charity: Arthur Rank Hospice Charity

Campaign: Step a Million

Aim: Walk 1 million steps in 100 days. From 8 January to 16 April, walk an average of 10,000 steps a day and help Cambridgeshire’s Arthur Rank Hospice support people living with an advanced serious illness or other life-limiting condition.

What’s init for participants:

·     Registration fee is£12.50

·     Dedicated support from one of ARHC’s fundraising team

·     An ARHC keepsake on completion of challenge

Get your charity involved

If your charity hasn’t yet set up a fundraising campaign for the New Year, there is still time! And it’s super-easy…find a company that is running a large-scale physical event and is calling for charity partners.

UltraChallenge’s London Winter Walk, taking place Saturday 27th andSunday 28th January 2024 is still accepting applications from charities. Participants will walk a full marathon, half marathon or 10km, all starting and finishing at The Oval Cricket Ground and will take in highlights of the Thames, its historic bridges and many of the Capital’s landmarks. There will be rest stops with snacks, a special medal and certificate for participants and hot food at the finish.

 So far, there are over 300 charities to choose to support on the London Winter Walk. Make sure yours is one of them. Register here: