Meet Team IFCo: Francesca Mineo, IFCo Italy

September 20, 2022
Christina Cullen

Meet the yoga-loving communicator who wants to break down borders. She’s also known as Francesca Mineo, the director of IFCo Italy and Chair of the EU Consult…

Tell us about your career in a snapshot

As a girl I dreamed about being a dancer, travelling around the globe and speaking tons of languages. Instead, I became a journalist and after some 10 years of reporting, I opted for social communications within non-profit organisations. Then in 2010, I became a consultant, joining the IFC family.

What led you down this path?

The passion for stories. I love listening to people and what they need. I’m passionate about trying to convey these needs into something concrete and useful for them and their communities. And of course my interest in human rights advocacy and my will to contribute to the reduction of inequalities.

Why International Fundraising Consultancy?

When I met IFC’s founder, John Baguley, I instantly felt at home. I guess I was lucky enough to find a network of open minded, very skilled consultants from whom I could learn, share and contribute.

What are the fundraising challenges in your region?

At present, after two years of pandemic and within the current international war crisis, there are countless projects, all relevant, vying for donor attention. In addition, fundraising for the more difficult causes, such as migrants and human rights, remains a challenge, mainly for political reasons.

Due to the location of the Mediterranean and people’s desire to find better opportunities, the region has always seen migration flows. Sadly, today both European politics and the rise of nationalism has made migration extremely difficult, despite declarations of intent. In turn, all of the organisations operating in these fields are working harder and harder, both on fundraising and on advocacy to support the plight of migrants.

How has the global pandemic affected not-for-profit organisations in your region?

I guess the main consequence for all sectors, including not-for-profit organisations, has been the major shift in how organisations operate. Hybrid working is the new normal.

Also, after months of losses and disruptions, almost all organisations grabbed the opportunity to focus on what is really necessary. Local organisations found new ways of gaining support from donors, for instance, while bigger charities explored new areas of strategic philanthropy. In the end, it was a tough period of time, but challenges can also carry great opportunities.

What does the future hold for charitable fundraising?

A deeper cooperation between philanthropic donors and organisations. There will also be an increased awareness of individual donors to participate in the causes that they are fond of.

Francesca Mineo is voted in as a world leader…what’s the first thing you do?

Open borders and break down the walls we keep on building all over the world.

Tell us a fun-fact about yourself

I enjoy practicing yoga. But sometimes I have to call for help as I get stuck in some twisted asana!

Contact Francesca

Francesca is available to offer her expertise to Italian and Italian-speaking organisations both nationally and internationally. She is a fundraising professional with expertise in communications, PR, grant-funding, strategy-writing and much more. Find out more or contact Francesca today.