Meet Team IFCo: Arnaud Marcilhacy

May 19, 2022
Christina Cullen

It's time to get to know the people behind IFCo in our new series, Meet Team IFCo. Kicking off the series is IFCo France Director, Arnaud Marcilhacy…

Tell us about your career in a snapshot

I'm 63 years old and started my career in advertising. I moved to Canada when I was 30, where I worked for World Vision Canada as Marketing Director, French Market for three years. Following this, I returned to advertising at Leo Burnett. Subsequently, at the age of 40, I returned to France. Back on home soil, I worked as VP of Ketchum Canada and then Managing Director at Brakeley France. I Started my own consultancy in 2018, iPhilGroup. Part of three international networks : Brakeley, Chapel & York and IFCo

What led you down this path?

Chance, no career planning.

Why International Fundraising Consultancy?

I liked John Baguley, the IFCo Chair and Founder!

What are the fundraising challenges in your region? 

Dealing with a catholic culture, where making money is not something you’re proud of, and working in a welfare state environment with the highest taxes in the world.

How has the global pandemic affected not-for-profit organisations in your region? 

It actually was a boost.

What does the future hold for charitable fundraising?

It will always be there and it will always be progressing.

Arnaud Marilhacy is voted in as a world leader…what’s the first thing you do? 

I would propose a two children maximum limit per family and also provide support for families in the third world, where making children is not only about love and family, but also help for parents and retirement support; all this would be to save the planet; we are too numerous and the best way to save the planet is to reduce our pressure on it.

Tell us a fun-fact about yourself

I'm selfish and I would like to be a billionaire, and...I work in fundraising...