IFCo Top Table networking event

May 12, 2022
Christina Cullen

Top Table is an opportunity for Fundraising Directors to share knowledge, experience and support with their peers from across the sector.

What is Top Table?

An opportunity for Fundraising Directors to share knowledge, experience and support with their peers from across the sector. The event is hosted by IFCo CEO, Bill King.

When is Top Table?

Tuesday 17th May 2022
11:00 – 12:00 BST

Where is Top Table?

Top Table is an online Zoom event. As with the live events, numbers are limited in order to allow all participants to take part.

How much does Top Table cost?

Top Table is a free event, however, participants will need to register to secure a place and receive the Zoom link.

What is the purpose of Top Table?

Top Table exists to give Fundraising Directors the chance to network together and talk about the challenges they are facing and what is exciting them about the world of fundraising. It is a chance to get support from your peers, discuss the issues of the day and find inspiration from others’ experiences.

Join us at IFCo’s Spring 2022 Top Table!

Register your place now.