IFCo opens consultancy branch in France

May 19, 2022
Christina Cullen

IFCo France is the latest branch to be launched by the International Fundraising Consultancy. Led by Director, Arnaud Marilhacy, IFCo France offers fundraising services to national and international organisations.

IFC France’s New Director

Arnaud brings more than twenty years of experience to IFCo. His international career has worked with major institutions in France and around the world. This has involved advising on philanthropic actions, fundraising and communication.

The prestigious organisations Arnaud has worked with include:

  • The National Museum of Natural History
  • The Museum of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent (Geneva)
  • The Fondation Napoléon
  • The Pierre et Marie Curie University
  • Ecole Centrale Paris
  • University Panthéon Assas
  • Institut Pasteur
  • University of Namur in Belgium

Putting the International into IFCo

Previously, Arnaud pursued a career in communications, direct marketing and fundraising in Canada. He first joined World Vision Canada as collection manager via long spots (infomercials) on several Canadian television channels. Subsequently, he worked at the communication agency Leo Burnett, where he has managed large accounts, including Air France, BMW and Weider Nutrition.

Arnaud is also a regular speaker at fundraising conferences such as IFCo, CASE and the Association Française des Fundraisers Teaching and Research Conference.

15 and counting

IFCo now has a presence in 15 countries around the world, with more country offices due to join soon.