IFCo France working with MAM Foundation in Cameroon

May 19, 2022
Christina Cullen

New biennial in Cameroon to look at finding solutions for a better tomorrow through culture and agriculture.

Working with the MAM Foundation based in Douala, Cameroon, IFCo France local firm, iPhilGroup is working on a feasibility study for an ambitious biennial project. The goal is to launch a new biennial in mid-2023 that will bring together culture and agriculture to find solutions for a better tomorrow. It also aims to raise funds for projects that will improve the life of communities in Cameroon through an organic approach to agriculture, as well as to offer optimum conditions of creation to African artists of contemporary art.

The event will be based at a vast and magnificent agricultural estate in Suza, near Douala, and will include a forum for discussions on themes combining culture and sustainable development, residencies for artists, an art auction and a gala dinner offered by a world renowned chef to the benefit of MAM Foundation’s projects. Aimed at philanthropists and influencers, the Biennial is expected to attract contemporary African art collectors, CEOs of international companies with an interest in investing in Africa, personalities who defend sustainable development, philosophers, writers, and economists.

Speaking about the project, IFCo France Director, Arnaud Marcilhacy, President of iPhilGroup, said: "Some say that humanity actually started in Africa. This very ambitious project aims to look at solutions for a new and better future for humankind, once again starting in Africa. As such, we are so delighted to be involved in this fascinating and exciting project."

The MAM Foundation is a not for profit organisation, founded by Marème Samb Malong, a Franco-Senegalese humanist passionate about contemporary art and ecology. The Foundation is dedicated to empowering lives through creativity and learning. Its vision and ambition is to:

  • Create a lasting heritage in art and culture: “an ethical and aesthetic commitment”
  • Promote the exchange of culture between Africa and the rest of the world
  • Develop a collection of works of art, books and digital resources in order to constitute an important accessible source of documentation for the African continent
  • Decompartmentalize and create synergies between creative initiatives in order to promote the relationship between art, culture, nature and secular traditions in order to benefit local populations.