Global Giving 2022 – The highlights

May 19, 2022
Christina Cullen

Global Giving, IFCo's first-ever online fundraising conference took place last week and brought together experts from all over the world to inform, inspire and share their insights with participants.

Global Giving 2022 focused on the impact that Covid-19 has had on fundraising globally, how organisations have navigated their way through the pandemic, what success has looked like and what the world of fundraising should expect moving forward.

Here are just some of the highlights...

Day One

Fresh from his organisation's hybrid gala, which had raised over a $1million just a few days earlier, Nick Booth, MVO, CEO, True Patriot Love Foundation in Canada kicked off the conference.  True Patriot Love supports military members, veterans and their families, and Nick's inspiring session explored the fundraising methods they employed that led them to be part of just 6% of Canadian organisations that increased their income during the pandemic. No mean feat for an organisation whose main form of income came from global adventure expeditions. With in-person expeditions not possible during the pandemic, Nick and his team quickly learned how to make a virtual event work for them. And with over 200 participants travelling a total of 45,000km, the organisation raised over $56,000!

Other sessions on Day One included a spotlight on the Middle East with Samir Farrag, Director of Strategic Partnerships, Queen Rania Foundation and Victoria Sloan, Director of Development, University of Sydney talking about developing international fundraising programmes, followed Eric Berseth, CEO, Philanthropy Advisors speaking from the otherside on how the pandemic impacted major donors.

Day Two

The inspirational spotlight on India on day two of the conference brought to life the reality of fundraising and mobilising resources on the frontline during the pandemic. IFCo India Director, Jim De walked the audience through his work, which led him to receive the Mahatma Award 2021 for Humanitarian Services During Covid.

Charles-Emmanuel Ballanger, CEO, Aide et Action International gave a compelling interview on steering his organisation through Covid, whilst Angelica Pino, spoke about the work of the Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI), and IFCo Uganda Director, Sam Kayongo gave an insight into the situation in East Africa.

Day Three

The global pandemic didn't deter a group of like-minded individuals who came together to form ResQ - People Saving People, an Italian organisation  that saves the lives of desperate migrants trying to cross the Mediterranean in search of a better future. Francesca Mineo, IFCo Italy Director and Emiliano Giovine shared their inspirational story of setting an ambitious fundraising goal of €2million to buy a rescue ship. Employing various community fundraising techniques enabled them to achieve their goal and they were able to launch their first mission in August 2021 and save 225 lives.

There was an equally inspiring and informative session led by Yasmeen Hassan, Global Executive Director of Equality Now who focussed on resetting fundraising post-Covid. We also heard from Direct Marketing experts Stratcom and IFCo US Director, Laurence Pagnoni on the philanthropic situation in the US.

At the end of each day, speakers participated in an interactive live panel session, with attendees asking the questions. The panels were led by BBC Broadcaster, Deborah Mackenzie and communications guru, Norma Johnston.

Recordings of the each session from the conference are now available. See the conference programme for details of each session. To request access to the recordings, please contact IFCo CEO, Bill King.