Giving a voice through podcasts

January 25, 2024
Christina Cullen

Podcasts give listeners the chance to access valuable, engaging, and compelling conversations. They are personal insights and represent an opportunity to connect on a personal level, giving a platform to voices that have a story to share.

Our IFCo Italy Director, Francesca Mineo has been busy producing podcasts for non-profit organisations. Her latest work is with the weekly series Libere, Free. The podcast is dedicated to inspirational women, covering topics from art and literature, science, to human rights. This week's episode is to an amazing little reporter living and surviving in Gaza, 9-year-old Lama Jamous. The podcast is available in English and Italian on Spotify. Listen now:

The episode is supported by YUMI, Ferrofin SrL's Impact Unit created in 2019; it provides tailor made solutions to individuals, NGOs, companies, social enterprises and other players meaning to achieve a relevant social impact with their work and operations.YUMI provides: strategic consulting, incubation and acceleration programs, design and management, interim management, and impact assessment.

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Francesca's other podcasts can be found on Officina del Podcast where she has worked with associate, Clara Collalti on episodes for non-profit clients including: 

CIAI - stories of  rights, voices of happiness

In Galera - the story of a social restaurant open to public, but set within the jail of Bollate, on the outskirts of Milan

Attivi sempre! - a podcast for the National Voluntary Centre about various social projects