Funding news: Asda Foundation bringing communities back together

May 19, 2022
Christina Cullen

Applications are now open for the Asda Foundation's Bringing Communities Back Together, a brand new grant to reunite communities, celebrate togetherness, and support groups as they resume their activities in person again.

What's on offer?

Asda will award grants between £250 and £1000 to local grass-root community groups. Grants can be used to support celebration events, such as welcome back parties. Funding will also be given to help get activities and services back on track. You can apply for a grant if your event or activity is taking place between July and September.

Who can apply?

To be eligible to apply for this grant, local groups must be one of the following:
• A registered charity
• A not-for-profit company
• A community interest company (CIC)
• An unincorporated club or association

For instance, these organisations and groups can include PTAs, sports groups and clubs, council-run groups, youth groups, elderly clubs, amongst others.

How to apply

Application forms are available from local Asda stores. Each store has a Community Champion that will help applicants. Completed applications must be returned to the Community Champion, who will forward it to the Asda Foundation for consideration.  

Applications will be considered within six weeks of submission. Subsequently, successful applicants will be notified by email.

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