Event: Funds4impact Summit 2024

March 17, 2024
Christina Cullen

Our Latin American branch, Funds4impact will be holding a fundraising summit for development professionals in the region. The two day Summit in Lima, Peru, will explore the latest trends in fundraising, aiming to build bridges for cooperation and create opportunities for financing and partnerships for impactful projects.


Funds4impact Summit 2024, transformative connections to create a sustainable impact.


30-31 May 2024


Lima, Peru

The Summit will bring together

  • Leaders of local and international private and corporate foundations
  • Leaders of NGO’s (Directors, fundraisers, comms representatives
  • CEO’s of the leading socially responsible private sector companies
  • International cooperations
  • Social responsibility managers
  • Media

Benefits of attending

  • Panels and discussions alongside international experts
  • Workshops andco-creation sessions
  • Networking spaces, meet & greet sessions
  • Digital certificate of participation
  • Masterclass featuring the latest fundraising trends
  • Success stories and campaigns in fundraising
  • Promotion on mass media and social networks

Find out more and book your place now